Setting Up Basic Environment for Android Development

Android Development ServicesEverybody knew android development is selling like hot cake in the market. Similarly, android development is the latest mobile application development technology that every other programmer wants to adopt. A lot of handheld devices are using Android as operating system. A number of new applications come into the market. All those applications are shared online. Most of them are free of cost. Android development needs special environment. For developing new applications, you need to set suitable environment first. This includes verifying a few things that what is installed and what needs to be installed. Here are a few points that will enable you to reach the very basic level. This android development guide will take you to hello world program.First and foremost thing is JDK or Java Development Kit. In this kit, you will get a mobile sort of display to verify the output and also the complete code execution environment. This kit can easily be downloaded from the official site of the Oracle.After you have Java running on your computer, you need Eclipse.

You should prefer the classic version as it is more suitable for this sort of development. Java has its own basic development environment. But, you also need an SDK (Standard Development Kit) for Android as well. It is like selecting C++ for object oriented programming. OOP is standard, and there are many other sorts of environments which are suitable for OOP. Similarly, you need an SDK for android specifically. Further, different devices have their own versions of the Android SDK. So, first see which device you want to make application for and then select that version for the development kit of android.Now you need ADP plugin for your application development. You can easily do it through Eclipse.

In the Help menu select ‘Install New Software’ and press the ‘add’ button on top of the window. You will have to enter this URL After that,  you can select developer tools. At the bottom of the window, click the button on ‘Next’. A wizard will open for installation. Complete the wizard as per instructions and install the new tools. Then you will need to restart the Eclipse to make the changes effective.This is the last and foremost important task. Now you need to select the SDK directory where you installed your SDK.

Best Android Development ServicesWhen your Eclipse will restart, it will ask you to enter the directory where you added the SDK. You have to select the option of ‘Use existing SDKs, and after that you have to browse to the directory to show the program a complete path to the SDK where you installed it. This will ask you to finish the wizard. Press ‘Finish’ and you are done with setting up android development environment.Now, you are free to develop any sort of application of your choice.

Keep learning Java and develop from small to big applications. A lot of people need various android applications worldwide. You can be the next to get a substantial assignment. Developing in Java SDK is a fun process because you see the output side by side which give the fun to make changes and create something innovative and outstanding.

The Value of iPhone App Development

iPhone App Development ServicesIt is well said by someone “Life was so simple when apple and blackberry were only fruits”. This is right to a great extent as we understand that Apple has brought a technological revolution in the world and rapid growth of the business marketing industry. With the arrival of Android phones, the world has entered into a modern age, and the entire world realized that long term brand strategy can be established with mobile phone apps. With the introduction of my phone of a market, program development in the community again felt a new technological innovation. Applications installed in I phone has made everyone lover of I phone. I phone includes all important and enjoyable applications which are for every person of every age. I Phone apps have also increased knowledge of the user to a very unique level through iPhone App Development. The modern era of androids now moves to bring more advancement in the technology field. Apple I phone applications are the world’s best applications, these applications have brought the revolution in GPS Navigation, Music play, Weather updates, Face Detection, Image capturing and editing, Voice changes, Screen resolution, and calling advancements.

If we go to the age before the arrival of the Apple iPhone, video calling was just the imagination of the people, 3G technology was only accessible to the Lap Tops and specific devices. All in all, I phone applications have brought revolution in the mobile fields, and without I phone applications; it would not be possible for the common man to use the internet on mobile phone devices. People prefer the Android technology more than Symbian. Even though, we can say that the potential of android phone is yet to be established.

iPhone App Development ServicesNowadays iPhone App Development is in heavy demand; there have lots of applications which are available to promote the phoning and gaming concepts, and nee programs that presented everything to the tips of your hand and figures. Online broadband from all over the globe makes I phone apps more eye catching. It’s true that iPhone App Development achieved its current position with the help of I phone application development. No doubt, the community of the internet was created by notebooks, palmtops, and net books, but the advantages and user friendliness that I phone has offered to internet cellular is a new and complete practical knowledge.

Now people can get design their applications just for I phone for their personal use. People can make use of applications for their specific tasks or can sell ahead to the company by proving the working of an application. Continue reading